We all have something significant and meaningful to contribute. We Serve is an opportunity to build relationship and serve one another, to help our community to thrive!
CCA Kids
Serving our children by connecting them to Christ can be a very rewarding activity. We serve our children by presenting lessons, providing support, telling stories or playing games and having fun and we need your help… especially if you’re a Dad!
Connect Lounge
If you love meeting people, you can serve new-comers, in the lounge, by introducing them to our community and creating an honest first impression of who we are. Making friends is easy and it helps people.
Serving by using your creativity can help to set an atmosphere when we focus on certain themes. From arranging flowers, room décor to building sets - all of these can help us communicate well.
Hospitality (Ushers)
Serving by creating a friendly first impression to every person walking through the door is a wonderfully valuable activity. There are also other practical areas of service that we engage in as the ushers team at CCA and we could do with as many hands as possible.
Info Centre
We serve here though friendliness and hospitality. Connecting people to what’s happening in our community and providing relevant information is quite important! It’s also a great way to meet new people and make them feel at home!
Calling all foodies: eating, cooking, creating and being hospitable is a fantastic way to set the tone and help people feel at home after our Sunday meeting. Remember, every time someone sits down at a table to share a meal or a cuppa with someone, they could be starting a friendship or encouraging someone in need.
We communicate news and events through videos produced by our media team. If your creativity is inclined to photography, videography, story-telling, editing or graphic design, you could make a huge impact by applying your skills here.
Ministry Team
We serve our community by praying for people, listening to their concerns and providing a place to lean on. Sometimes people respond to the message and need ministry support. Serving people here means being prayerful, and alert to their needs and the heart of God.
Production Team
We strive to serve by producing an atmosphere that helps people connect with God through the songs we sing, the videos we watch and the messages we preach. If you are technically inclined and understand the Audio/Visual and Lighting environment, we need you… Please join us.
Worship Team
As musicians and vocalists/singers we serve by helping people to focus on Jesus during our weekly, Sunday meeting. If you are musical, have a great voice or would like to develop in this area, we would love others to benefit from your talent.
Hospital Team
Show love and care to individuals in our church community that is in hospital as well as minister to others who need prayer and need to find out more about Jesus. By simply visiting someone and spending time with them, will help and encourage them a great deal.
Our seniors are not forgotten in their older years. We want them to stay connected and engaged with one another and with the rest of the church community. We want to take the time for them to be encouraged through having tea and fellowship together while being ministered too.
Young Adults
If you are 18 - 35ish, become part of the Young Adults team that are busy starting up this new group in CCA. Get involved by helping plan fun, exciting and engaging events and socials for our young adults.
We serve our youth in various ways on a Friday night. These are: teaching, worship, sports, games, encouragement, discipling, facilitation and tuckshop / catering. If you have a passion for our young people, please join our team.
Food Kitchen
Our Food Kitchen is part of our Love Nompumelelo outreach. We feed about 50 elderly people and 80 kids once a week! We would love to do so much more!!! The need is so BIG! But we need your help...
Pioneers for Christ
If you have a heart for older people, join this team that goes and minsters to the people at Fairlands Old Age home on a weekly basis. They share the Word and fellowship with one another.
Sewing Classes
Our Sewing Class is part of our Love Nompumelelo outreach. We help teach ladies from Nompumelelo and Ducats some sewing skills that will help them to make some income through the skills they learn.